Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Scientist (Sr. scale)
School of molecular diagnostic and prophylactic
ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology
Namkum, Ranchi, Jharkahnd-834010
Nationality: Indian
Field of specialization: Aquaculture
Tel. No.:+91-651-2261122
Fax No.:+91-651-2261123
Cell: +91-9411334870
ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology
Namkum, Ranchi, Jharkhand- 834010
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Gupta, (M.F.Sc., Ph.D.) graduated from Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai. He has over more than 20 years of work experience for the development of aquaculture sector in various capacities. He has more than 50 peer reviewed international publications and has delivered numerous oral and posters presentations in diverse international meetings. Dr. Gupta has edited 04 books, authored 02 books, published many scientific popular articles in popular magazines. He is working as editor/reviewer for the various international scientific journals and has been honored with several awards of national and international repute for his outstanding contribution in the field of aquaculture. He also has extensive experience working with various aquaculture systems and the application of control measures in aquaculture health management. He was awarded prestigious Endeavour Post-doc Fellowship by Australian Government in 2018. Presently, he is working as ARS Scientist (SS) in the ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnogy, Ranchi Jharkhand, India.